Thursday, October 28, 2004

Take Me Anywhere

Went to sleep this morning at 7...couldn't sleep, might as well study right? >Rolls eyes< The weather was totally outta whack. It started rainning at 9pm and the gale force winds started at 6am and lasted through out the day. It was crazy...branches flying everywhere and it was wet and cold and blustery...heck, it's still cold. The cold...I love the cold weather. Not complaining at all, no uh!

Been listening to L.P., her albums :
- Surburban Sprawl and Alcohol (2nd and current album) I love the first track "wasted" and the title track is good too
- Heart-Shaped Scar (first album) 9th track 'Insane' is very haunting.

Rock with excellent hooks...mmmmmmm and her voice! double mmmmmm:) No idea what does L.P. stands for, initials maybe. The two whole albums can be listened to at the website. Can't download tho :( now that's asking for a bit too much :) check her site out : . I don't think her albums are available here (damn!) but then I haven't checked out HMV in the city yet...
I need some US connections!

Mood: No change
Music: L.P. - Surburban Sprawl and Alcohol

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Dark Things Come Calling

Still having trouble sleeping...a couple of nights ago I had the weirdest fuck as dream. I dreamt I went to a Tegan and Sara concert at the Festival Hall. I had my ticket, but the attendant wouldn't let me in because I had the wrong I pushed the attendant aside as the concert was starting and got to the front row. Sara was signing autographs and I gave her my notebook to sign. As I got back my notebook, I looked up, the band disapeared and there were yellow rubber duckys everywhere! What the hell?? Don't get me wrong, dreaming about going to a Tegan and Sara concert is great! excellent even, but dreaming about not gaining entry because of the wrong body tempreture and yellow rubber duckys?! ARGH...! the exam/assignment stress is really getting to me. Fuck man, why won't it end?!

Mood: So very tired
Music: Skinny Puppy - Optimissed

Sunday, October 17, 2004

This is Me Before I Fall Apart

Been having trouble sleeping, it's either I can't sleep or I over sleep. Case in point Thursday night, went to bed at 3 am, woke up at 4 am, went back to sleep, woke up at 6 am, finally I gave up and was lying in bed until about 7.45 where I had to get up for an eye appointment at 9 am. Went to uni a hour later to hand up an assignment. Fell asleep at the library at uni while waiting for a tute to start, which i obviously missed!
Went to the Black Eyed Peas concert on Friday night. These guys rock! They were very energetic and they really got the crowd going. By the end of it everyone was standing on their seats and dancing and cheering.
Slept at 3 am and woke up today at 3.30 pm gaaaah! Bloody hell!

Mood: Tired
Music: T n S - Speak Slow

Monday, October 11, 2004

I Was So High I Thought I Definitely Died

Right, first entry for October. Last week I was supposed to go clubbing with Jack and his two friends visiting from the US. That was the plan anyway. Until one of them passed me a joint, pure joint, not mixed with tobacco in anyway. Got so shit stoned that I threw up on the road. Ended the night watching tv and getting a huge attack of the munchies...wheeeeeeeeeee! I still felt the effects of the joint the next day...strong as.
Went to catch a show in the Melbourne International Arts Festival on Friday. It's called Provenance. All I can say is WHOA. It's a marionnette show and IT IS GOOD! The marionnette master Ronnie Burkett is a genius at manipulating the puppets. If there's anyone reading this, go catch his show! Student concession is only AUS$19 compared to the full adult price of $50. Frickin bargain man!

Mood: Numb
Music: T n S