Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I Don't Need Rest

One year since I started this blog and I reckon it's good to put my thoughts to "paper". Never was one to start a diary or journal, but I guess it's good to rant and unload the day's happenings and worries.
One year since I 'discovered' Tegan and Sara's music and I haven't stopped listening to them at all :) I listen to them at home and on the mp3 player whenever I go out. Freaky!
I just watched Batman Begins...and it went beyond my expectations...suffice to say that the last two sucked ass, but compared to the first 2, Batman Begins is waaay better.
Started a little project spray painting my CPU casing...only time will tell on how it goes.

Mood: Tired
Music: Tegan and Sara

Monday, June 20, 2005

No Where To Go

Tegan and August...concert...on my birthday...w00t!! >does a little dance and bounces off the walls<
...and that's the highlight of my weekend. Still in tough negotiations with the Sandman on the sleep issue...damn you Morpheus! I'm so tired.
Goin to NZ in a week's time to see my ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend...totally weird issue there.

Mood: Tired
Music: Placebo

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Let Go and Move On

Exams are over!! Was so buggered after yesterday's final paper, that I went to sleep at 9.30pm....and woke up an hour later wide awake but still tired....grrrrrr. So I tried sleeping again at 3am on my sister's bed. No frickin use...I was locked in mortal combat with the bed tossing and turning trying to sleep. Last thing I remembered was hearing the damn birds chirping.
There's this new tuna and salmon ad on tv by Safcol and it's hillarious! This girl gets on a bus and takes a seat next to a guy. She asks him "What are you having for dinner?" He looks all surprised and weirded out and replied "Don't know" or something like that. She reached in her bag and took out two foil packets, one tuna and one salmon....she explains yadda yadda yadda and then to the tune of the theme of the 60's batman series she sings "Tuna, tuna, tuna, tuna, saaaaalmon"! Then she made smooching noises while pressing the tuna and salmon packets together. The she looked around and realized that everone was staring at her weird and the guy had an amused smile on his face! hahahahahaha.
Watched Mr and Mrs Smith today...RWAR!!! 2 of my favourite actors in it with enough chemistry to make the screen melt! YUM!

Mood: tired
Music: Tegan and sara

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Tell Me Love, Where Do We Go?

Had a dream last night that I was having a conversation with Brian Molko. Don't remember what we were talking about, but we were hanging out at a club or dark bar. Tegan and Sara came along later and joined us. Weird as!
For months and months I've been having strong urges to shave my head. So finally I did it. I shaved my head into a mohawk on satday morning. Feels so good to run my fingers through my scalp. I look really, really young now, everywhere I go I kept being asked for ID.

Mood: tired
Music: Tegan and Sara

Friday, June 03, 2005

It's Not Morning

Had a rough night...slept at 11.30pm just to wake up at 1.30am wide awake. Took a shower and studied abit....tried sleeping again at 6am and the last thing I remember was the clock at 8am. Woke up at 11.30 to go to uni to sit for a test at 1pm...just barely made it. Was fuckin exhausted on my way back. And to make my day even worse was a fuckin bogan in his fuckin white ute shouting rasist remarks at me while I was walkin past him. GO BACK TO CHINA??!! Fuckin xenophobic asshole!! Not every asian is from China! it's like saying to every caucasian you see and yelling GO BACK TO EUROPE! Fuckin ignorant prick!! I should have just dropped my bag and punched his lights out...tho he was built like a footy player and I would have ended up with severe head concussions, I should have punched him. But it didn't register in my sleep deprived brain until after I turned the block. GRRRRRRRRR...makes my blood boil! Bloody moron!
End rant!

Mood: Pissed Off
Music: Lunatic Calm