Sunday, October 24, 2004

Dark Things Come Calling

Still having trouble sleeping...a couple of nights ago I had the weirdest fuck as dream. I dreamt I went to a Tegan and Sara concert at the Festival Hall. I had my ticket, but the attendant wouldn't let me in because I had the wrong I pushed the attendant aside as the concert was starting and got to the front row. Sara was signing autographs and I gave her my notebook to sign. As I got back my notebook, I looked up, the band disapeared and there were yellow rubber duckys everywhere! What the hell?? Don't get me wrong, dreaming about going to a Tegan and Sara concert is great! excellent even, but dreaming about not gaining entry because of the wrong body tempreture and yellow rubber duckys?! ARGH...! the exam/assignment stress is really getting to me. Fuck man, why won't it end?!

Mood: So very tired
Music: Skinny Puppy - Optimissed

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