Wednesday, March 16, 2005

I Want The Ocean Right Now

Went to the Moomba Water Festival on Satday. It was the 50th aniversary and there were heaps of people!! Rides and games everywhere. I wanted to sit the Catapult but it costs AUS$30 for a ride..! frickin expensive. The fireworks display was excellent....with the fireworks being set off to music from the last 50 years.

FireWorks at the Moomba Festival

I got Tegan and Sara's 'So Jealous' album from amazon yesterday...WOOOOoooooot!! The album's still not out in Oz yet and I couldn't wait anymore!! I love the interaction of Tegan and Sara in the 20 minute making of movie....hillarious as!
I love the tracks 'Downtown' and 'We didn't do it' mmmmmmmmmmm! ear candy....!

Tegan and Sara's new album 'So Jealous'

Mood: mmmmmmmmmmmmm
Music: Tegan and Sara - downtown

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