Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Wake up exhausted

Woke up on Tuesday morning feeling worse for wear, all bleary eyed, feverish and sneezing. Went to see the doctor at Uni and sat for my afternoon paper feeling all woozy. To top that, the weather on Tuesday was insane! Wild winds and pouring rain which of course I got caught in, which made my cold worse. The thought of sitting for an exam paper the next day was out of the question. The fucking cherry on the cake was the fact I was kneeling in front of the Porcelin God wasn't due to the flu, but from the side effects to the antibiotics the doc prescribed. I was having stabbing gut wrenching pain in my stomach and throwing up. Missed sitting for my last paper too. Just great!. I'm now at the mercy of TPTB of uni admin to process my special consideration application and decide whether to allow me to sit for a supp exam. Fuckfuckfuckfuck.

Mood: depressed and tired
Music: T n S

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