Monday, August 23, 2004

Underqualified, Undersatisfied I lie

My mood seems to be swinging low-to-high-to-low. Well, the previous post was low obviously. Good thing Sup and Luke dragged me out (Thanks guys!)last night to The Ding Dong Lounge in Chinatown to hear a band called "The Red Paintings" play. The lead singer Jaime looks like James Haven. The music was good, the bassist and violinist were dressed as geishas, the cellist had his face painted like a japanese mask. The only normally dressed person was the drummer :) There was a projection of random scenes of movies on the wall and a Virgin Mary statue on stage. Also there was an artist painting while the band was playing. Luke used to play for the band, which I thought was pretty cool. With the loud music pumping and beer flowing in my veins I was in my happy place and for a few hours I had no worries of assignments.

Mood: Good
Music: The Ataris - The Hero Dies in This One

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