Saturday, July 31, 2004

Time you got me tired

Finally the weekend!! I thought I'd never make a drowning person hanging on to a life preserver. The assignments haven't even started yet and I'm stressed up to my eye balls! So gawd damn tired.
Mood: Stressed
Music: Dashboard Confessional - Vindicated

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

It's a little cold outside

Gawd...this week's such a killer, tutes, lectures, meetings with my course coordinator AND lecturer and to top it off, a massive headache for two days. Trying to drown it with Panadol and the heavy duty stuff: Ponstan!
More gripes: It's been raining and it's cold and all I wanna do is bury myself deeper under my doona when I have a morning lecture to attend. >Sigh< The weekend can't come any sooner.
Mood: stressed
Music: Tegan and Sara

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Time Running

Finally have the PS2, been playing Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow...
Well, the first week of the semester has officially come and gone, discovered that Andy the Butcher is my programming tutor again! Can I never escape him? gawd damn it, it's like karma I tells ya!
Sometimes I think that I'm a sucker for punishment, mentally and physically self destructive to boot. I'm goin to get Distinctions for this semester even if it kills me. Do you hear me karma?! even if it fuckin kills me!! I've had enough of disappointments and disappointing people. GAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!
Phew...that felt good.
Mood: Pissed off
Music: Starlit - The Light

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Fabric's wearing through

Sup's birthday today! Took Luke pressie shopping for Sup yesterday, also bought an excellent chocolate cake. Walking around the city carrying the cake was interesting to say the least, people kept coming up to chat me up...hmmm, cakes are people magnets :) 
Woke up this cold cold morning at 7 for a 9am lecture, a latte wasn't enough, half way through the lecture my mind was wandering and I was nodding off. Shots of espresso are needed for next week's lecture.
Mood: Happy
Music: Dashboard Confessionals - As Lovers Go

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Empty in between

3 hours sleep this morning made bearable with caffeine... knocked back a doppio espresso and everything was just fine. I'm such a caffeine junkie...
Uni starts on Monday and I have classes from Monday to Friday and 1 9am lecture >groan< caffeine to the rescue! 
Watched Fahrenheit 9/11 today... one word..Whoa. 

Something's wrong with my adsl connection, I can't view the Rage webpage...gawd damnit!
Mood: La dee-Fucking-da
Music: Le Tigre - Deceptacon


Wednesday, July 14, 2004

I want a house on the beach...

Met up with Jack today for lunch at Chinatown. It was good to see him since the last time I saw him was at the end of March. Did some catching up at Puchini's. He's such a sweetie but mental note to drinking with Jack in the afternoons! I am on such a hangover right now, and all I had was 2 vodka tonics...gawd damnit, I need to build up my alcohol tolerance all over again.
Exam results are out tomorrow...shit scared! I'm sure I'll pass 3 units, I already gave up The Programming paper as bust. But what I think and what will show on the results rarely match...argh!

Mood: Aprehensive
Music: Tegan and Sara

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Underwater I Wrote Drowning

Crap...woke up at 3pm to the sound of my handphone ringing like hell's bells. Hmm...the incoherent morning posting = me being very pissed! Watching Rage while pissed is a very sureal experience...I recommend it! :) head feels like a ton of bricks and a family of cotton balls moved in and procreated.

Regrets are like bookmarks in the book of life that you can't change. A constant reminder on how an individual screwed up...>sigh<

Mood: Somber
Music: Tegan and Sara

I'm a car crash

It's Friday night/Satday morning and I'm in front of the comp IM-ing with Solo and getting pissed on Smirnoff all I need is some 'party favours' and I'm a happy camper. Damn, no ciggies for the party favours...too cold to run down to 711 >.<
I'm on a Tegan and Sara overload for the past month and counting!
The L Word season ended last week and I'm suffering from withdrawal symptoms. Damnit...I need my weekly fix...what am I goin to do on Wednesday nights now? Watch Channel Ten's late night news?...NOT!

Mood: In my happy little place
Music: Tegan and Sara

Wednesday, July 07, 2004


I've just discovered a pet peev, I don't really have pet peeves but if I was to have a pet peev this would be it.
PeOpLe wHo LiKe To tYpE OuT sEnTeNcEs CaPiTaLiZiNg eVeRy SeCoNd aLpHaBeT. IsNt It AnNoYiNg WhEn PeOpLe TyPe LiKe ThIs? OnE wOrD iS FiNe, tWo SeNtEnCeS Is pUsHiNg iT...BuT a wHoLe fRiCkIn pArAgRaPh?! Gah!! Annoying as!! Gawd damnit! Is it so hard to type properly? Go back to school and get schooled! Strained eyes + headache = One cranky ME

Mood: Grr!
Music: Jimmy Eat World - Just watch the fireworks

Saturday, July 03, 2004


Got my endorphin craving fixed for the time being. Had my ear re-pierced...2 holes in one ear. The needle was HUGE! It reminded me of the needle used when a friend got her belly button pierced. Doesn't hurt ear's just a little sore.
Watched Super Size Me tonight...felt queasy watching Spurlock consuming all the Maccas. It's a good doco...really opens ur eyes.
Next on my list of doco to watch is Farenheit 9/11.

Mood: Hungry yet queasy at the same time
Music: Portishead - Roads